【标 题】 1982年联合国海洋法公约(附英文)
【分 类】 国际海事
【时 效 性】 有效
【颁布时间】 1982.12.10
【实施时间】 1982.12.10
【发布部门】 蒙特哥湾
目 录
第Ⅰ部分 用语和范围
第Ⅱ部分 领海和毗连区
第1节 一般规定
第2节 领海的界限
第3节 领海的无害通过
第4节 毗连区
第Ⅲ部分 用于国际航行的海峡
第1节 一般规定
第2节 过境通行
第3节 无害通过
第Ⅳ部分 群岛国
第Ⅴ部分 专属经济区
第Ⅵ部分 大陆架
第Ⅶ部分 公海
第1节 一般规定
第2节 公海生物资源的养护和管理
第Ⅷ部分 岛屿制度
第Ⅸ部分 闭海或半闭海
第Ⅹ部分 内陆国出入海洋的权利和过境自由
第Ⅺ部分 “区域”
第1节 一般规定
第2节 支配“区域”的原则
第3节 “区域”内资源的开发
第4节 管理局
第5节 争端的解决和咨询意见
第Ⅻ部分 海洋环境的保护和保全
第1节 一般规定
第2节 全球性和区域性合作
第3节 技术援助
第4节 监测和环境评价
第5节 防止、减少和控制海洋环境污染的国际规则和国内立法
第6节 执行
第7节 保障办法
第8节 冰封区域
第9节 责任
第10节 主权豁免
第11节 关于保护和保全海洋环境的其他公约所规定的义务
第XIII部分 海洋科学研究
第1节 一般规定
第2节 国际合作
第3节 海洋科学研究的进行和促进
第4节 海洋环境中科学研究设施或装备
第5节 责任
第6节 争端的解决和临时措施
第XIV部分 海洋技术的发展和转让
第1节 一般规定
第2节 国际合作
第3节 国家和区域性海洋科学和技术中心
第4节 国际组织间的合作
第XV部分 争端的解决
第1节 一般规定
第2节 导致有拘束力裁判的强制程序
第3节 适用第2节的限制和例外
第XVI部分 一般规定
第XVII部分 最后条款
附件Ⅰ 高度回游鱼类(略)
附件Ⅱ 大陆架界限委员会
附件Ⅲ 探矿、勘探和开发的基本条件
附件Ⅳ 企业部章程
附件Ⅴ 调解
第1节 按照第XV部分第1节的调解程序
第2节 按照第XV部分第3节提交的强制调解程序
附件Ⅵ 国际海洋法法庭规约
第1节 法庭的组织
第2节 权限
第3节 程序
第4节 海底争端分庭
第5节 修正案
附件Ⅶ 仲裁
附件Ⅷ 特别仲裁
附件Ⅸ 国际组织的参加
【名称】 1982年联合国海洋法公约
【题注】 简介:本公约于1982年12月10日在牙买加的蒙特哥湾召开的第三次联合国海洋法会议最后会议上通过,尚未生效。本公约将自第六十份批准书或加入书交存之日起十二个月后生效。
第Ⅰ部分 用语和范围
第1条 用语和范围
第Ⅱ部分 领海和毗连区
第1节 一般规定
第2条 领海及其上空、海床和底土的法律地位
第2节 领海的界限
第3条 领海的宽度
第4条 领海的外部界限
第5条 正常基线
第6条 礁 石
第7条 直线基线
第8条 内 水
第9条 河 口
第10条 海 湾
第11条 港 口
第12条 泊船处
第13条 低潮高地
第14条 确定基线的混合办法
第15条 海岸相向或相邻国家间领海界限的划定
第16条 海图和地理坐标表
第3节 领海的无害通过
A分节 适用于所有船舶的规则
第17条 无害通过权
第18条 通过的意义
第19条 无害通过的意义
第40条 本附件其他各节的适用
第5节 修正案
第41条 修正案
附件Ⅶ 仲 裁
第1条 程序的提起
第2条 仲裁员名单
第3条 仲裁法庭的组成
第4条 仲裁法庭职务的执行
第5条 程 序
第6条 争端各方的职责
第7条 开 支
第8条 作出裁决所需要的多数
第9条 不到案
第10条 裁决书
第11条 裁决的确定性
第12条 裁决的解释或执行
第13条 对缔约国以外的实体的适用
附件Ⅷ 特别仲裁
第1条 程序的提起
第2条 专家名单
第3条 特别仲裁法庭的组成
第4条 一般规定
第5条 事实认定
附件Ⅸ 国际组织的参加
第1条 用 语
第2条 签 字
第3条 正式确认和加入
第4条 参加的限度和权利与义务
第5条 声明、通知和通报
第6条 责 任
第7条 争端的解决
第8条 第XVII部分的适用性
SECTION 1 General Provisions
SECTION 2 Limits of the Territorial Sea
SECTION 3 Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea
SEC【标 题】 1982年联合国海洋法公约(附英文)【分 类】 国际海事【时 效 性】 有效【颁布时间】 1982.12.10【实施时间】 1982.12.10【发布部门】 蒙特哥湾目 录第Ⅰ部分 用语和范围第Ⅱ部分 领海和毗连区第1节 一般规定第2节 领海的界限第3节 领海的无害通过第4节 毗连区第Ⅲ部分 用于国际航行的海峡第1节 一般规定第2节 过境通行第3节 无害通过第Ⅳ部分 群岛国第Ⅴ部分 专属经济区第Ⅵ部分 大陆架第Ⅶ部分 公海第1节 一般规定第2节 公海生物资源的养护和管理第Ⅷ部分 岛屿制度第Ⅸ部分 闭海或半闭海第Ⅹ部分 内陆国出入海洋的权利和过境自由第Ⅺ部分 “区域”
第1节 一般规定第2节 支配“区域”的原则第3节 “区域”内资源的开发第4节 管理局第5节 争端的解决和咨询意见第Ⅻ部分 海洋环境的保护和保全第1节 一般规定第2节 全球性和区域性合作第3节 技术援助第4节 监测和环境评价第5节 防止、减少和控制海洋环境污染的国际规则和国内立法第6节 执行第7节 保障办法第8节 冰封区域第9节 责任第10节 主权豁免第11节 关于保护和保全海洋环境的其他公约所规定的义务第XIII部分 海洋科学研究第1节 一般规定第2节 国际合作第3节 海洋科学研究的进行和促进第4节 海洋环境中科学研究设施或装备第5节 责任第6节 争端的解决和临时措施第XIV部分 海洋技术的发展和转让第1节 一般规定第2节 国际合作第3节 国家和区域性海洋科学和技术中心第4节 国际组织间的合作第XV部分 争端的解决第1节 一般规定第2节 导致有拘束力裁判的强制程序第3节 适用第2节的限制和例外第XVI部分 一般规定第XVII部分 最后条款附件Ⅰ 高度回游鱼类(略)
附件Ⅱ 大陆架界限委员会附件Ⅲ 探矿、勘探和开发的基本条件附件Ⅳ 企业部章程附件Ⅴ 调解第1节 按照第XV部分第1节的调解程序第2节 按照第XV部分第3节提交的强制调解程序附件Ⅵ 国际海洋法法庭规约第1节 法庭的组织第2节 权限第3节 程序第4节 海底争端分庭第5节 修正案附件Ⅶ 仲裁附件Ⅷ 特别仲裁附件Ⅸ 国际组织的参加【名称】 1982年联合国海洋法公约【题注】 简介:本公约于1982年12月10日在牙买加的蒙特哥湾召开的第三次联合国海洋法会议最后会议上通过,尚未生效。本公约将自第六十份批准书或加入书交存之日起十二个月后生效。
全文本公约缔约各国,本着以互相谅解和合作的精神解决与海洋法有关的一切问题的愿望,并且认识到本公约对于维护和平、正义和全世界人民的进步作出重要贡献的历史意义,注意到自从1958年和1960年在日内瓦举行了联合国海洋法会议以来的种种发展,着重指出了需要有一项新的可获一般接受的海洋法公约,意识到各海洋区域的种种问题都是彼此密切相关的,有必要作为一个整体来加以考虑,认识到有需要通过本公约,在妥为顾及所有国家主权的情形下,为海洋建立一种法律秩序,以便利国际交通和促进海洋的和平用途,海洋资源的公平而有效的利用,海洋生物资源的养护以及研究、保护和保全海洋环境,考虑到达成这些目标将有助于实现公正公平的国际经济秩序,这种秩序将照顾到全人类的利益和需要,特别是发展中国家的特殊利益和需要,不论其为沿海国或内陆国,希望以本公约发展1970年12月17日第2749(XXV)号决议所载各项原则,联合国大会在该决议中庄严宣布,除其他外,国家管辖范围以外的海床和洋底区域及其底土以及该区域的资源为人类的共同继承财产,其勘探与开发应为全人类的利益而进行,不论各国的地理位置如何,相信在本公约中所达成的海洋法的编纂和逐渐发展,将有助于按照《联合国宪章》所载的联合国的宗旨和原则巩固各国间符合正义和权利平等原则的和平、安全、合作和友好关系,并将促进全世界人民的经济和社会方面的进展,确认本公约未予规定的事项,应继续以一般国际法的规则和原则为准据,经协议如下:第Ⅰ部分 用语和范围第1条 用语和范围1.为本公约的目的:(1)“‘区域’”是指国家管辖范围以外的海床和洋底及其底土。
第Ⅱ部分 领海和毗连区
第1节 一般规定第2条 领海及其上空、海床和底土的法律地位1.沿海国的主权及于其陆地领土及其内水以外邻接的一带海域,在群岛国的情形下则及于群岛水域以外邻接的一带海域,称为领海。
第2节 领海的界限第3条 领海的宽度每一国家有权确定其领海的宽度,直至从按照本公约确定的基线量起不超过十二海里的界限为止。
第4条 领海的外部界限领海的外部界限是一条其每一点同基线最近点的距离等于领海宽度的线。
第5条 正常基线除本公约另有规定外,测算领海宽度的正常基线是沿海国官方承认的大比例尺海图所标明的沿岸低潮线。
第6条 礁 石在位于环礁上的岛屿或有岸礁环列的岛屿的情形下,测算领海宽度的基线是沿海国官方承认的海图上以适当标记显示的礁石的向海低潮线。
第7条 直线基线1.在海岸线极为曲折的地方,或者如果紧接海岸有一系列岛屿,测算领海宽度的基线的划定可采用连接各适当点的直线基线法。
第8条 内 水1.除第Ⅳ部分另有规定外,领海基线向陆一面的水域构成国家内水的一部分。
第9条 河 口如果河流直接流入海洋,基线应是一条在两岸低潮线上两点之间横越河口的直线。
第10条 海 湾1.本条仅涉及海岸属于一国的海湾。
第11条 港 口为了划定领海的目的,构成海港体系组成部分的最外部永久海港工程视为海岸的一部分。近岸设施和人工岛屿不应视为永久海港工程。
第12条 泊船处通常用于船舶装卸和下锚的泊船处,即使全部或一部位于领海的外部界限以外,都包括在领海范围之内。
第13条 低潮高地1.低潮高地是在低潮时四面环水并高于水面但在高潮时没入水中的自然形成的陆地。如果低潮高地全部或一部与大陆或岛屿的距离不超过领海的度宽,该高地的低潮线可作为测算领海宽度的基线。
第14条 确定基线的混合办法沿海国为适应不同情况,可交替使用以上各条规定的任何方法以确定基线。
第15条 海岸相向或相邻国家间领海界限的划定如果两国海岸彼此相向或相邻,两国中任何一国在彼此没有相反协议的情形下,均无权将其领海伸延至一条其每一点都同测算两国中每一国领海宽度的基线上最近各点距离相等的中间线以外。但如因历史性所有权或其他特殊情况而有必要按照与上述规定不同的方法划定两国领海的界限,则不适用上述规定。
第16条 海图和地理坐标表1.按照第7、第9和第10条确定的测算领海宽度的基线,或根据基线划定的界限,和按照第12和第15条划定的分界线,应在足以确定这些线的位置的一种或几种比例尺的海图上标出。或者,可以用列出各点的地理坐标并注明大地基准点的表来代替。
第3节 领海的无害通过
A分节 适用于所有船舶的规则第17条 无害通过权在本公约的限制下,所有国家,不论为沿海国或内陆国,其船舶均享有无害通过领海的权利。
第18条 通过的意义1.通过是指为了下列目的,通过领海的航行:(a)穿过领海但不进入内水或停靠内水以外的泊船处或港口设施;或(b)驶往或驶出内水或停靠这种泊船处或港口设施。
第19条 无害通过的意义1.通过只要不损害沿海国的和平、良好秩序或安全,就是无害的。这种通过的进行应符合本公约和其他国际法规则。
第40条 本附件其他各节的适用1.本附件中与本节不相抵触的其他各节的规定,适用于分庭。
第5节 修正案第41条 修正案1.对本附件的修正案,除对其第4节的修正案外,只可按照第313条或在按照本公约召开的一次会议上,以协商一致方式通过。
附件Ⅶ 仲 裁第1条 程序的提起在第XV部分限制下,争端任何一方可向争端他方发出书面通知,将争端提交本附件所规定的仲裁程序。通知应附有一份关于其权利主张及该权利主张所依据的理由的说明。
第2条 仲裁员名单1.联合国秘书长应编制并保持一份仲裁员名单。每一缔约国应有权提名四名仲裁员,每名仲裁员均应在海洋事务方面富有经验并享有公平、才干和正直的最高声誉。这样提名的人员的姓名应构成该名单。
第3条 仲裁法庭的组成为本附件所规定程序的目的,除非争端各方另有协议,仲裁法庭应依下列规定组成:(a)在(g)项限制下,仲裁法庭应由仲裁员五人组成。
第4条 仲裁法庭职务的执行依据本附件第3条组成的仲裁法庭,应按照本附件及本公约的其他规定执行职务。
第5条 程 序除非争端各方另有协议,仲裁法庭应确定其自己的程序,保证争端每一方有陈述意见和提出其主张的充分机会。
第6条 争端各方的职责争端各方应便利仲裁法庭的工作,特别应按照其本国法律并用一切可用的方法:(a)向法庭提供一切有关文件、便利和情报;并(b)使法庭在必要时能够传唤证人或专家和收受其证据,并视察同案件有关的地点。
第7条 开 支除非仲裁法庭因案情特殊而另有决定,法庭的开支,包括仲裁员的报酬,应由争端各方平均分担。
第8条 作出裁决所需要的多数仲裁法庭的裁决应以仲裁员的过半数票作出。不到半数的仲裁员缺席或弃权,应不妨碍法庭作出裁决,如果票数相等,庭长应投决定票。
第9条 不到案如争端一方不出庭或对案件不进行辩护,他方可请求仲裁法庭继续进行程序并作出裁决。争端一方缺席或不对案件进行辩护,应不妨碍程序的进行。仲裁法庭在作出裁决前,必须不但查明对该争端确有管辖权,而且查明所提要求在事实上和法律上均确有根据。
第10条 裁决书仲裁法庭的裁决书应以争端的主题事项为限,并应叙明其所根据的理由。裁决书应载明参与作出裁决的仲裁员姓名以及作出裁决的日期。任何仲裁员均可在裁决书上附加个别意见或不同意见。
第11条 裁决的确定性除争端各方事前议定某种上诉程序外,裁决应有确定性,不得上诉,争端各方均应遵守裁决。
第12条 裁决的解释或执行1.争端各方之间对裁决的解释或执行方式的任何争议,可由任何一方提请作出该裁决的仲裁法庭决定。为此目的,法庭的任何出缺,应按原来指派仲裁员的方法补缺。
第13条 对缔约国以外的实体的适用本附件应比照适用涉及缔约国以外的实体的任何争端。
附件Ⅷ 特别仲裁第1条 程序的提起在第XV部分限制下,关于本公约中有关(1)渔业、(2)保护和保全海洋环境、(3)海洋科学研究和(4)航行,包括来自船只和倾倒造成的污染的条文在解释或适用上的争端,争端任何一方可向争端他方发出书面通知,将该争端提交本附件所规定的特别仲裁程序。通知应附有一份关于其权利主张及该权利主张所依据的理由的说明。
第2条 专家名单1.就(1)渔业,(2)保护和保全海洋环境,(3)海洋科学研究和(4)航行,包括来自船只和倾倒造成的污染四个方面,应分别编制和保持专家名单。
第3条 特别仲裁法庭的组成为本附件所规定的程序的目的,除非争端各方另有协议,特别仲裁法庭应依下列规定组成:(a)在(g)项限制下,特别仲裁法庭应由仲裁员五人组成。
第4条 一般规定附件Ⅶ第4至第13条比照适用于按照本附件的特别仲裁程序。
第5条 事实认定1.有关本公约中关于(1)渔业,(2)保护和保全海洋环境,(3)海洋科学研究或(4)航行,包括来自船只和倾倒造成的污染的各项规定在解释或适用上的争端各方,可随时协议请求按照本附件第3条组成的特别仲裁法庭进行调查,以确定引起这一争端的事实。
附件Ⅸ 国际组织的参加第1条 用 语为第205条和本附件的目的,“国际组织”是指由国家组成的政府间组织,其成员国已将本公约所规定的事项的权限,包括就该等事项缔结条约的权限转移给各该组织者。
第2条 签 字一个国际组织如果其过半数成员国为本公约签署国,即可签署本公约。一个国际组织在签署时应作出声明,指明为本公约签署国的各成员国已将本公约所规定的何种事项的权限转移给该组织,以及该项权限的性质和范围。
第3条 正式确认和加入1.一个国际组织如果其过半数成员国交存或已交存其批准书或加入书,即可交存其正式确认书或加入书。
第4条 参加的限度和权利与义务1.一个国际组织所交存的正式确认书或加入书应载有接受本公约就该组织中为本公约缔约国的各成员国向其转移权限的事项所规定的各国权利和义务的承诺。
第5条 声明、通知和通报1.一个国际组织的正式确认书或加入书应包括一项声明,指明关于本公约所规定的何种事项的权限已由其为本公约缔约国的成员国转移给该组织。
第6条 责 任1.根据本附件第5条具有权限的缔约各方对不履行义务或任何其他违反本公约的行为,应负责任。
第7条 争端的解决1.一个国际组织在交存其正式确认书或加入书时,或在其后任何时间,应有自由用书面声明的方式选择第287条第1款(a)、(c)或(d)项所指的一个或一个以上方法,以解决有关本公约的解释或适用的争端。
第8条 第XVII部分的适用性第XVII部分比照适用于一个国际组织,但对下列事项除外:(a)在适用第208条第1款时,国际组织的正式确认书或加入书应不计算在内;(b)(i)一个国际组织,只要根据本附件第5条对修正案整个主题事项具有权限,应对第312至第315条的适用具有专属行为能力;(ii)国际组织对一项修正案的正式确认书或加入书,在该国际组织根据本附件第5条对修正案整个主题事项具有权限的情况下,为了适用第316条第1、第2和第3款的目的,应将其视为作为缔约国的每一成员国的批准书或加入书;(iii)对于其他一切修正案,该国际组织的正式确认书或加入书适用第316条第1和第2款不应予以考虑;(c)(i)一个国际组织的任一成员国如为缔约国,同时该国际组织继续具备本附件第1条所指的资格时,不得按照第317条退出本公约;(ii)一个国际组织当其成员国无一为缔约国,或当该国际组织不再具备本附件第1条所指的资格时,应退出本公约。这种退出应立即生效。
15======【名称】 UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA, 1982【题注】TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I INTRODUCTION PART II TERRITORIAL SEA AND CONTIGUOUS ZONE SECTION 1 General Provisions SECTION 2 Limits of the Territorial Sea SECTION 3 Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea SECTION 4 Contiguous Zone PART III STRAITS USED FOR INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION SECTION 1 General Provisions SECTION 2 Transit Passage SECTION 3 Innocent Passage PART IV ARCHIPELAGIC STATES PART V EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE PART VI CONTINENTAL SHELF PART VII HIGH SEAS SECTION 1 General Provisions SECTION 2 Conservation and Management of the Living Resources of the High Seas PART VIII REGIME OF ISLANDS PART IX ENCLOSED OR SEMI-ENCLOSED SEAS PART X RIGHT OF ACCESS OF LAND-LOCKED STATES TO AND FROM THE SEA AND FREEDOM OF TRANSIT PART XI THE AREA SECTION 1 General Provisions SECTION 2 Principles Governing the Area SECTION 3 Development of Resources of the Area SECTION 4 The Authority SECTION 5 Settlement of Disputes and Advisory Opinions PART XII PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION OF THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT SECTION 1 General Provisions SECTION 2 Global and Regional Co-operation SECTION 3 Technical Assistance SECTION 4 Monitoring and Environment Assessment SECTION 5 International Rules and National Legislation to Prevent, Reduce and Control Pollution of the Marine Environment SECTION 6 Enforcement SECTION 7 Safeguards SECTION 8 Ice-covered Areas SECTION 9 Responsibility and Liability SECTION 10 Sovereign Immunity SECTION 11 Obligations under other Conventions on the Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment PART XIII MARINE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH SECTION 1 General Provisions SECTION 2 International Co-operation SECTION 3 Conduct and Promotion of Marine Scientific Research SECTION 4 Scientific Research Installations or Equipment in the Marine Environment SECTION 5 Responsibility and Liability
(46)——Article 2 Lists of experts 1. A list of experts shall be established and maintained in respect of each of the fields of (1) fisheries, (2) protection and preservation of the marine environment, (3) marine scientific research, and (4) navigation, including pollution from vessels and by dumping. 2. The lists of experts shall be drawn up and maintained, in the field of fisheries by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, in the field of protection and preservation of the marine environment by the United Nations Environment Programme, in the field of marine scientific research by the Inter-Governmental Oceanographic Commission, in the field of navigation, including pollution from vessels and by dumping, by the International Maritime Organisation, or in each case by the appropriate subsidiary body concerned to which such organisation, programme or commission has delegated this function. 3. Every State Party shall be entitled to nominate two experts in each field whose competence in the legal, scientific or technical aspects of such field is established and generally recognised and who enjoy the highest reputation for fairness and integrity. The names of the persons so nominated in each field shall constitute the appropriate list. 4. If at any time the experts nominated by a State Party in the list so constituted shall be fewer than two, that State Party shall be entitled to make further nominations as necessary. 5. The name of an expert shall remain on the list until withdrawn by the State Party which made the nomination, provided that such expert shall continue to serve on any special arbitral tribunal to which that expert has been appointed until the completion of the proceedings before that special arbitral tribunal.
Article 3 Constitution of special arbitral tribunal For the purpose of proceedings under this Annex, the special arbitral tribunal shall, unless the parties otherwise agree, be constituted as follows: (a) Subject to subparagraph (g), the special arbitral tribunal shall consist of five members. (b) The party instituting the proceedings shall appoint two member to be chosen preferably from the appropriate list or lists referred to in Article 2 of this Annex relating to the matters in dispute, one of whom may be its national. The appointment shall be included in the notification referred to in Article 2 of this Annex. (c) The other party to the dispute shall, within 30 days of receipt of the notification referred to in Article 1 of this Annex, appoint two members to be chosen preferably from the appropriate list or lists relating to the matters in dispute, one of whom may be its national. If the appointments are not made within that period, the party instituting the proceedings may, within two weeks of the expiration of that period, request that the appointments be made in accordance with subparagraph (e). (d) The parties to the dispute shall by agreement appoint the President of the special arbitral tribunal, chosen preferably from the appropriate list, who shall be a national of a third State, unless the parties otherwise agree. If, within 30 days of receipt of the notification referred to in Article 1 of this Annex, the parties are unable to reach agreement on the appointment of the President, the appointment shall be made in accordance with subparagraph (e), at the request of a party to the dispute. Such request shall be made within two weeks of the expiration of the aforementioned 30-day period. (e) Unless the parties agree that the appointment be made by a person or a third State chosen by the parties, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall make the necessary appointments within 30 days of receipt of a request under subparagraphs (c) and (d). The appointments referred to in this subparagraph shall be made from the appropriate list or lists of experts referred to in Article 2 of this Annex and in consultation with the parties to the dispute and the appropriate international organisation. The members so appointed shall be of different nationalities and may not be in the service of, ordinarily resident in the territory of, or nationals of, any of the parties to the dispute. (f) Any vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed for the initial appointment. (g) Parties in the same interest shall appoint two members of the tribunal jointly by agreement. Where there are several parties having separate interests or where there is disagreement as to whether they are of the same interest, each of them shall appoint one member of the tribunal. (h) In disputes involving more than two parties, the provisions of subparagraphs (a) to (f) shall apply to the maximum extent possible.
Article 4 General provisions Annex VII, Articles 4 to 13, apply mutatis mutandis to the special arbitration proceedings in accordance with this Annex. Article 5 Fact finding 1. The parties to a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Convention relating to (1) fisheries, (2) protection and preservation of the marine environment, (3) marine scientific research, or (4) navigation, including pollution from vessels and by dumping, may at any time agree to request a special arbitral tribunal constituted in accordance with Article 3 of this Annex to carry out an inquiry and establish the facts giving rise to the dispute. 2. Unless the parties otherwise agree, the findings of fact of the special arbitral tribunal acting in accordance with paragraph 1, shall be considered as conclusive as between the parties. 3. If all the parties to the dispute so request, the special arbitral tribunal may formulate recommendations which, without having the force of a decision, shall only constitute the basis for a review by the parties of the questions giving rise to the dispute. 4. Subject to paragraph 2, the special arbitral tribunal shall act in accordance with the provisions of this Annex, unless the parties otherwise agree. ANNEX IX. PARTICIPATION BY INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS Article 1 Use of terms For the purposes of Article 305 and of this Annex, "international organisation" means an intergovernmental organisation constituted by States to which its member States have transferred competence over matters governed by this Convention, including the competence to enter into treaties in respect of those matters. Article 2 Signature An international organisation may sign this Convention if a majority of its member States are signatories of this Convention. At the time of signature an international organisation shall make a declaration specifying the matters governed by this Convention in respect of which competence has been transferred to that organisation by its member States which are signatories, and the nature and extend of that competence. Article 3 Formal confirmation and accession 1. An international organisation may deposit its instrument of formal confirmation or of accession if a majority of its member States deposit or have deposited their instruments of ratification or accession. 2. The instruments deposited by the international organisation shall contain the undertakings and declarations required by Articles 4 and 5 of this Annex. Article 4 Extent of participation and rights and obligations 1. The instrument of formal confirmation or of accession of an international organisation shall contain an undertaking to accept the rights and obligations of States under this Convention in respect of matters relating to which competence has been transferred to it by its member States which are Parties to this Convention. 2. An international organisation shall be a Party to this Convention to the extent that it has competence in accordance with the declarations, communications of information or notifications referred to in Article 5 of this Annex. 3. Such an international organisation shall exercise the rights and perform the obligations which its member States which are Parties would otherwise have under this Convention, on matters relating to which competence has been transferred to it by those member States. The member States of that international organisation shall not exercise competence which they have transferred to it. 4. Participation of such an international organisation shall in no case entail an increase of the representation to which its member States which are States Parties would otherwise be entitled, including rights in decision-making.
5. Participation of such an international organisation shall in no case confer any rights under this Convention on member States of the organisations which are not States Parties to this Convention. 6. In the event of a conflict between the obligations of an international organisation under this Convention and its obligations under the agreement establishing the organisation or any acts relating to it, the obligations under this Convention shall prevail. Article 5 Declarations, notifications and communications 1. The instrument of formal confirmation or of accession of an international organisation shall contain a declaration specifying the matters governed by this Convention in respect of which competence has been transferred to the organisation by its member States which are Parties to this Convention. 2. A member State of an international organisation shall, at the time it ratifies or accedes to this Convention or at the time when the organisation deposits its instrument of formal confirmation or of accession, whichever is later, make a declaration specifying the matters governed by this Convention in respect of which it has transferred competence to the organisation. 3. States Parties which are member States of an international organisation which is a Party to this Convention shall be presumed to have competence over all matters governed by this Convention in respect of which transfers of competence to the organisation have not been specifically declared, notified or communicated by those States under this Article. 4. The international organisation and its member States which are States Parties shall promptly notify the depositary of this Convention of any changes to the distribution of competence, including new transfers of competence, specified in the declarations under paragraphs 1 and 2. 5. Any State Party may request an international organisation and its member States which are States Parties to provide information as to which, as between the organisation and its member States, has competence in respect of any specific question which has arisen. The organisation and the member States concerned shall provide this information within a reasonable time. The international organisation and the member States may also, on their own initiative, provide this information. 6. Declarations, notifications and communications of information under this Article shall specify the nature and extent of the competence transferred.
Article 6 Responsibility and liability 1. Parties which have competence under Article 5 of this Annex shall have responsibility for failure to comply with obligations or for any other violation of this Convention. 2. Any State Party may request an international organisation or its member States which are States Parties for information as to who has responsibility in respect of any specific matter. The organisation and the member States concerned shall provide this information. Failure to provide this information within a reasonable time or the provision of contradictory information shall result in joint and several liability. Article 7 Settlement of disputes 1. At the time of deposit of its instrument of formal confirmation or of accession, or at any time thereafter, an international organisation shall be free to choose, by means of a written declaration, one or more of the means for the settlement of disputes concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention, referred to in Article 287, paragraph 1 (a), (c) or (d). 2. Part XV applies mutatis mutandis to any dispute between Parties to this Convention, one or more of which are international organisations. 3. When an international organisation and one or more of its member States are joint parties to a dispute, or parties in the same interest, the organisation shall be deemed to have accepted the same procedures for the settlement of disputes as the member States: when, however, a member State has chosen only the International Court of Justice under Article 287, the organisation and the member State concerned shall be deemed to have accepted arbitration in accordance with Annex VII, unless the parties to the dispute otherwise agree.
Article 8 Applicability of Part XVII Part XVII applies mutatis mutandis to an international organisation, except in respect of the following: (a) the instrument of formal confirmation or of accession of an international organisation shall not be taken into account in the application of Article 308, paragraph 1; (b) (i) an international organisation shall have exclusive capacity with respect to the application of Articles 312 to 315, to the extent that it has competence under Article 5 of this Annex over the entire subject-matter of the amendment; (ii) the instrument of formal confirmation or of accession of an international organisation to an amendment, the entire subject-matter over which the international organisation has competence under Article 5 of this Annex, shall be considered to be the instrument of ratification or accession of each of the member States which are States Parties, for the purposes of applying Article 316, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3; (iii) the instrument of formal confirmation or of accession of the international organisation shall not be taken into account in the application of Article 316, paragraphs 1 and 2, with regard to all other amendments; (c) (i) an international organisation may not denounce this Convention in accordance with Article 317 if any of its member States is a State Party and if it continues to fulfil the qualifications specified in Article 1 of this Annex; (ii) an international organisation shall denounce this Convention when none of its member States is a State Party or if the international organisation no longer fulfils the qualifications specified in Article 1 of this Annex. Such denunciation shall take effect immediately.
TION 4 Contiguous Zone
SECTION 1 General Provisions
SECTION 2 Transit Passage
SECTION 3 Innocent Passage
SECTION 1 General Provisions
SECTION 2 Conservation and Management of the Living Resources of the High Seas
SECTION 1 General Provisions
SECTION 2 Principles Governing the Area
SECTION 3 Development of Resources of the Area
SECTION 4 The Authority
SECTION 5 Settlement of Disputes and Advisory Opinions
SECTION 1 General Provisions
SECTION 2 Global and Regional Co-operation
SECTION 3 Technical Assistance
SECTION 4 Monitoring and Environment Assessment
SECTION 5 International Rules and National Legislation to Prevent, Reduce and Control Pollution of the Marine Environment
SECTION 6 Enforcement
SECTION 7 Safeguards
SECTION 8 Ice-covered Areas
SECTION 9 Responsibility and Liability
SECTION 10 Sovereign Immunity
SECTION 11 Obligations under other Conventions on the Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment
SECTION 1 General Provisions
SECTION 2 International Co-operation
SECTION 3 Conduct and Promotion of Marine Scientific Research
SECTION 4 Scientific Research Installations or Equipment in the Marine Environment
SECTION 5 Responsibility and Liability (46)——Article 2
Lists of experts
1. A list of experts shall be established and maintained in respect of each of the fields of (1) fisheries, (2) protection and preservation of the marine environment, (3) marine scientific research, and (4) navigation, including pollution from vessels and by dumping.
2. The lists of experts shall be drawn up and maintained, in the field of fisheries by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, in the field of protection and preservation of the marine environment by the United Nations Environment Programme, in the field of marine scientific research by the Inter-Governmental Oceanographic Commission, in the field of navigation, including pollution from vessels and by dumping, by the International Maritime Organisation, or in each case by the appropriate subsidiary body concerned to which such organisation, programme or commission has delegated this function.
3. Every State Party shall be entitled to nominate two experts in each field whose competence in the legal, scientific or technical aspects of such field is established and generally recognised and who enjoy the highest reputation for fairness and integrity. The names of the persons so nominated in each field shall constitute the appropriate list.
4. If at any time the experts nominated by a State Party in the list so constituted shall be fewer than two, that State Party shall be entitled to make further nominations as necessary.
5. The name of an expert shall remain on the list until withdrawn by the State Party which made the nomination, provided that such expert shall continue to serve on any special arbitral tribunal to which that expert has been appointed until the completion of the proceedings before that special arbitral tribunal.
Article 3
Constitution of special arbitral tribunal
For the purpose of proceedings under this Annex, the special arbitral tribunal shall, unless the parties otherwise agree, be constituted as follows:
(a) Subject to subparagraph (g), the special arbitral tribunal shall consist of five members.
(b) The party instituting the proceedings shall appoint two member to be chosen preferably from the appropriate list or lists referred to in Article 2 of this Annex relating to the matters in dispute, one of whom may be its national. The appointment shall be included in the notification referred to in Article 2 of this Annex.
(c) The other party to the dispute shall, within 30 days of receipt of the notification referred to in Article 1 of this Annex, appoint two members to be chosen preferably from the appropriate list or lists relating to the matters in dispute, one of whom may be its national. If the appointments are not made within that period, the party instituting the proceedings may, within two weeks of the expiration of that period, request that the appointments be made in accordance with subparagraph (e).
(d) The parties to the dispute shall by agreement appoint the President of the special arbitral tribunal, chosen preferably from the appropriate list, who shall be a national of a third State, unless the parties otherwise agree. If, within 30 days of receipt of the notification referred to in Article 1 of this Annex, the parties are unable to reach agreement on the appointment of the President, the appointment shall be made in accordance with subparagraph (e), at the request of a party to the dispute. Such request shall be made within two weeks of the expiration of the aforementioned 30-day period.
(e) Unless the parties agree that the appointment be made by a person or a third State chosen by the parties, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall make the necessary appointments within 30 days of receipt of a request under subparagraphs (c) and (d). The appointments referred to in this subparagraph shall be made from the appropriate list or lists of experts referred to in Article 2 of this Annex and in consultation with the parties to the dispute and the appropriate international organisation. The members so appointed shall be of different nationalities and may not be in the service of, ordinarily resident in the territory of, or nationals of, any of the parties to the dispute.
(f) Any vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed for the initial appointment.
(g) Parties in the same interest shall appoint two members of the tribunal jointly by agreement. Where there are several parties having separate interests or where there is disagreement as to whether they are of the same interest, each of them shall appoint one member of the tribunal.
(h) In disputes involving more than two parties, the provisions of subparagraphs (a) to (f) shall apply to the maximum extent possible.
Article 4
General provisions
Annex VII, Articles 4 to 13, apply mutatis mutandis to the special arbitration proceedings in accordance with this Annex.
Article 5
Fact finding
1. The parties to a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Convention relating to (1) fisheries, (2) protection and preservation of the marine environment, (3) marine scientific research, or (4) navigation, including pollution from vessels and by dumping, may at any time agree to request a special arbitral tribunal constituted in accordance with Article 3 of this Annex to carry out an inquiry and establish the facts giving rise to the dispute.
2. Unless the parties otherwise agree, the findings of fact of the special arbitral tribunal acting in accordance with paragraph 1, shall be considered as conclusive as between the parties.
3. If all the parties to the dispute so request, the special arbitral tribunal may formulate recommendations which, without having the force of a decision, shall only constitute the basis for a review by the parties of the questions giving rise to the dispute.
4. Subject to paragraph 2, the special arbitral tribunal shall act in accordance with the provisions of this Annex, unless the parties otherwise agree.
Article 1
Use of terms
For the purposes of Article 305 and of this Annex, "international organisation" means an intergovernmental organisation constituted by States to which its member States have transferred competence over matters governed by this Convention, including the competence to enter into treaties in respect of those matters.
Article 2
An international organisation may sign this Convention if a majority of its member States are signatories of this Convention. At the time of signature an international organisation shall make a declaration specifying the matters governed by this Convention in respect of which competence has been transferred to that organisation by its member States which are signatories, and the nature and extend of that competence.
Article 3
Formal confirmation and accession
1. An international organisation may deposit its instrument of formal confirmation or of accession if a majority of its member States deposit or have deposited their instruments of ratification or accession.
2. The instruments deposited by the international organisation shall contain the undertakings and declarations required by Articles 4 and 5 of this Annex.
Article 4
Extent of participation and rights and obligations
1. The instrument of formal confirmation or of accession of an international organisation shall contain an undertaking to accept the rights and obligations of States under this Convention in respect of matters relating to which competence has been transferred to it by its member States which are Parties to this Convention.
2. An international organisation shall be a Party to this Convention to the extent that it has competence in accordance with the declarations, communications of information or notifications referred to in Article 5 of this Annex.
3. Such an international organisation shall exercise the rights and perform the obligations which its member States which are Parties would otherwise have under this Convention, on matters relating to which competence has been transferred to it by those member States. The member States of that international organisation shall not exercise competence which they have transferred to it.
4. Participation of such an international organisation shall in no case entail an increase of the representation to which its member States which are States Parties would otherwise be entitled, including rights in decision-making.
5. Participation of such an international organisation shall in no case confer any rights under this Convention on member States of the organisations which are not States Parties to this Convention.
6. In the event of a conflict between the obligations of an international organisation under this Convention and its obligations under the agreement establishing the organisation or any acts relating to it, the obligations under this Convention shall prevail.
Article 5
Declarations, notifications and communications
1. The instrument of formal confirmation or of accession of an international organisation shall contain a declaration specifying the matters governed by this Convention in respect of which competence has been transferred to the organisation by its member States which are Parties to this Convention.
2. A member State of an international organisation shall, at the time it ratifies or accedes to this Convention or at the time when the organisation deposits its instrument of formal confirmation or of accession, whichever is later, make a declaration specifying the matters governed by this Convention in respect of which it has transferred competence to the organisation.
3. States Parties which are member States of an international organisation which is a Party to this Convention shall be presumed to have competence over all matters governed by this Convention in respect of which transfers of competence to the organisation have not been specifically declared, notified or communicated by those States under this Article.
4. The international organisation and its member States which are States Parties shall promptly notify the depositary of this Convention of any changes to the distribution of competence, including new transfers of competence, specified in the declarations under paragraphs 1 and 2.
5. Any State Party may request an international organisation and its member States which are States Parties to provide information as to which, as between the organisation and its member States, has competence in respect of any specific question which has arisen. The organisation and the member States concerned shall provide this information within a reasonable time. The international organisation and the member States may also, on their own initiative, provide this information.
6. Declarations, notifications and communications of information under this Article shall specify the nature and extent of the competence transferred.
Article 6
Responsibility and liability
1. Parties which have competence under Article 5 of this Annex shall have responsibility for failure to comply with obligations or for any other violation of this Convention.
2. Any State Party may request an international organisation or its member States which are States Parties for information as to who has responsibility in respect of any specific matter. The organisation and the member States concerned shall provide this information. Failure to provide this information within a reasonable time or the provision of contradictory information shall result in joint and several liability.
Article 7
Settlement of disputes
1. At the time of deposit of its instrument of formal confirmation or
of accession, or at any time thereafter, an international organisation
shall be free to choose, by means of a written declaration, one or more of
the means for the settlement of disputes concerning the interpretation or
application of this Convention, referred to in Article 287, paragraph 1
(a), (c) or (d).
2. Part XV applies mutatis mutandis to any dispute between Parties to
this Convention, one or more of which are international organisations.
3. When an international organisation and one or more of its member
States are joint parties to a dispute, or parties in the same interest,
the organisation shall be deemed to have accepted the same procedures for
the settlement of disputes as the member States: when, however, a member
State has chosen only the International Court of Justice under Article
287, the organisation and the member State concerned shall be deemed to
have accepted arbitration in accordance with Annex VII, unless the parties
to the dispute otherwise agree.
Article 8
Applicability of Part XVII
Part XVII applies mutatis mutandis to an international organisation,
except in respect of the following:
(a) the instrument of formal confirmation or of accession of an
international organisation shall not be taken into account in the
application of Article 308, paragraph 1;
(b) (i) an international organisation shall have exclusive
capacity with respect to the application of Articles 312 to 315, to the
extent that it has competence under Article 5 of this Annex over the
entire subject-matter of the amendment;
(ii) the instrument of formal confirmation or of accession of
an international organisation to an amendment, the entire subject-matter
over which the international organisation has competence under Article 5
of this Annex, shall be considered to be the instrument of ratification or
accession of each of the member States which are States Parties, for the
purposes of applying Article 316, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3;
(iii) the instrument of formal confirmation or of accession of
the international organisation shall not be taken into account in the
application of Article 316, paragraphs 1 and 2, with regard to all other amendments;
(c) (i) an international organisation may not denounce this Convention in accordance with Article 317 if any of its member States is a State Party and if it continues to fulfil the qualifications specified in Article 1 of this Annex;
(ii) an international organisation shall denounce this Convention when none of its member States is a State Party or if the international organisation no longer fulfils the qualifications specified in Article 1 of this Annex. Such denunciation shall take effect immediately.

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