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中华人民共和国政府和新西兰政府自由贸易协 定 [PDF 1.36MB]



附件一 关税减让表


- 第一部分 中方关于新方原产货物的关税减让表 [PDF 1.07MB]


- 第二部分 新方关于中方原产货物的关税减让表 [PDF 1.22MB]


附件二 农产品特殊保障措施 [PDF 632KB]


附件三 中期审议机制 [PDF 625KB]


附件四 中方羊毛、毛条国别关税配额 [PDF 609KB]


附件五 产品特定原产地规则 [PDF 4.51MB]


附件六 原产地证书 [PDF 616KB]


附件七 原产地声明 [PDF 586KB]


附件八 服务贸易具体承诺减让表


- 第一部分 中方服务贸易具体承诺减让表 [PDF 979KB]


- 第二部分 新方服务贸易具体承诺减让表 [PDF 934KB]


附件九 第一百零七条项下的涵盖部门 [PDF 577KB]


附件十 自然人临时入境承诺


- 第一部分 中方承诺 [PDF 635KB]


- 第二部分 新方承诺 [PDF 583KB]


附件十一 自然人临时雇佣入境承诺 [PDF 653KB]


附件十二 签证便利化 [PDF 623KB]


附件十三 征收 [PDF 550KB]


附件十四 中华人民共和国政府与新西兰政府关于电子电器产品及其部件合格评定的合作协定 [PDF 3.24MB]



关于第七章的实施安排一 主管机构和卫生与植物卫生联系点 [PDF 574KB]


关于第八章的实施安排一 技术性贸易壁垒主管机构 [PDF 566KB]



双方关于技术工人有关问题的换文 [PDF 144KB]


双方关于设立博士研究生奖学金有关问题的换文 [PDF 86KB]


双方关于假期工作机制有关问题的换文 [PDF 74KB]


中华人民共和国政府和新西兰政府关于假期工作机制安排 [PDF 285KB]





English Version


Free Trade Agreement Between The Government of the People's Republic of China And The Government of New Zealand [PDF 543KB]



Annex 1: Tariff Schedules


- Part A: Tariff Schedule of China with respect to Goods Originating in New Zealand [PDF 742KB]


- Part B: Tariff Schedule of New Zealand with respect to Goods Originating in China [PDF 658KB]


Annex 2: Special Agricultural Safeguard Measures [PDF 138KB]


Annex 3: Mid-Term Review Mechanism [PDF 134KB]


Annex 4: China's Country-Specific Tariff Quotas for Wool and Wool Tops [PDF 65KB]


Annex 5: Product Specific Rules of Origin [PDF 529KB]


Annex 6: Certificate of Origin [PDF 119KB]


Annex 7: Declaration of Origin [PDF 34KB]


Annex 8: Schedules for Specific Commitments on Services


- Part A: China Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services [PDF 718KB]


- Part B: New Zealand Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services [PDF 98KB]


Annex 9: Sectoral Coverage under Article 107 [PDF 33KB]


Annex 10: Commitments on Temporary Entry by Natural Persons


- Part A: China's Commitments [PDF 38KB]


- Part B: New Zealand's Commitments [PDF 43KB]


Annex 11: Commitments on Temporary Employment Entry by Natural Persons [PDF 66KB]


Annex 12: Visa Facilitation [PDF 23KB]


Annex 13: Expropriation [PDF 28KB]


Annex 14: The Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of New Zealand on Cooperation in the Field of Conformity Assessment in Relation to Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Components [PDF 2.86MB]



Implementing Arrangements
Implementing Arrangement: Chapter 7 A: Competent Authorities and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Contact Points [PDF 43KB]


Implementing Arrangement: Chapter 8 A: Technical Barriers to Trade Competent Authorities [PDF 24KB]



Side Letters and Arrangements
Skilled workers side letter [PDF 53KB]


Doctoral research scholarship programme side letter [PDF 27KB]


Working holiday arrangement side letter [PDF 26KB]


Arrangement on a Working Holiday Scheme Between The Government of the People's Republic of China and The Government of New Zealand [PDF 215KB]


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本文关键词: 中华人民共和国, 新西兰, 政府, 自由贸易协定, 全文