1. 推广应用“提前申报”模式。鼓励进口企业采用提前申报,提前办理单证审核和货物运输作业,非布控查验货物抵达口岸后即可放行提离。
2. 实行“先放行后改单”模式。对海关查验发现异常,而又不涉证、不涉税、不涉及检验检疫风险,仅涉及查验后改单放行的报关单,允许在海关放行后修改报关单数据。
3. 实施“先放行后缴税”模式。进一步推广“银关融”增信担保、“同业联合”增信担保、财务公司担保等,积极开展关税保证保险,提高通关效率和降低企业经营成本。根据企业信用等级分类实施差异化担保模式,探索实施AEO高级认证企业免担保验放,降低企业融资成本。
4. 扩大新一代海关税费电子支付系统适用范围,将税款类保证金、滞报金纳入其中,进一步提升支付海关税费的便捷性。
5. 在货物监管现场实施“查检合一”作业。统筹整合辖区查验场地、设施设备等查验资源,加强查验指令统筹协调,严格执行一次查验,实现现场执法统一、通关流程优化、通关效率提高。
6. 推行“先验放后检测”检验监管模式。按照海关总署要求符合条件的进口商品,在口岸完成现场检验检疫工作并符合要求后,即允许提离海关监管现场,在货物提离后实施实验室检测,办理综合评定及证书签发手续,缩短在港堆放时间,降低堆存和装卸等费用。
7. 优化鲜活产品进口检验检疫流程。搭建肉类、生鲜水产品、水果、食用水生动物等商品通关便捷通道,加快口岸查验速度,支持扩大日用消费品进口。
8. 对用于备案注册、研发测试和贸易洽谈等进口食品化妆品样品,免予标签检验和备案,免予提供卫生评价资料和原产地证明,免于抽样检测。
9. 优化动植物及其产品、食品、化妆品、生物制品出口申报前监管流程,通过企业分类管理及产品风险分析等措施,强化出口检验检疫作业与通关作业的有机衔接与融合,形成电子底账,方便企业在出口申报前办结相关检验检疫手续。
10. 优化快件、电商监管模式,统一使用作业场所自动化机检线,实施“一屏作业”。
11. 实行进口许可证件申领和通关作业无纸化。除安全保密等特殊情况外,属于自动进口许可证管理的货物和属于进口许可证管理的货物(除消耗臭氧层物质以外)可以实现申报资料网上提交、网上审批、许可证件联网核查和通关作业无纸化,企业可无需再提交书面资料和领取纸质许可证。
12. 企业可通过国际贸易“单一窗口”申报出口退税,实现报关单信息与出口退税申报信息自动转换,无需重复录入。
13. 加快推进电子口岸和国际贸易“单一窗口”升级改造,突出地方特色,丰富和完善功能,实现“一个平台、一次提交、一站办结”。将“单一窗口”功能覆盖至海关特殊监管区域和跨境电子商务综合试验区等相关区域。
14. 实行口岸收费目录清单制度。建立由地方财政局、商务局(口岸办)双牵头,价格、市场监管、交通、财政部财政监察专员办事处等共同参与的清理口岸收费工作机制,按照国家统一清单模板在国际贸易“单一窗口”、口岸管理部门网站、企业对外网站和口岸经营服务现场按照统一清单模板公示收费目录清单,清单之外不得收费。15. 清理规范口岸经营服务性收费,对实行政府定价的,严格执行规定标准;对实行市场调节价的,督促收费企业执行有关规定,不得违规加收其他费用;鼓励竞争,破除垄断,推动降低报关、货代、船代、物流、仓储、港口服务等环节经营服务性收费。加强监督检查,依法查处各类违法违规收费行为,大幅降低进出口环节合规成本,力争港口综合费用水平在全国具有明显竞争力,服务好京津冀协同发展。
16. 推行“预约通关”模式。依托“互联网+海关”一体化网上办事平台,对适用于海关总署2018年第109号公告的三种货物,需在海关正常办公时间以外办理通关手续的,可向海关提出预约通关申请(失信企业除外),探索更大范围货物预约通关。
17. 通过建立归类先例库,推广归类预裁定服务,加强税政调研,开发商品归类信息服务等系统,支持和帮助企业提前确定涉税要素,帮助企业用足用好国家减税政策。
18. 提升企业信用管理水平。遵循“守法便利”原则,实施信用等级梯次分类管理,为高信用等级企业提供全方位便捷服务。积极培育和扩大认证企业数量,优化企业整体信用等级结构,开展AEO高级认证,应用AEO国际互认合作成果,支持企业“走出去”。
19. 为重点企业提供个性化服务。海关通过“企业协调员制度”、微信公众号新媒体等线上线下多种方式建立对企业日常跟踪服务机制,及时解决企业进出口过程中遇到的困难和问题。
20. 做好政策宣讲和解读。通过举办“进出口政策服务咨询会”、价格政策提醒告诫会、国际贸易“单一窗口”推介会及相关新政策措施宣传培训会等多种形式,加强政策宣传解读,引导口岸运营主体、进出口服务企业参与口岸提效降费工作,实现政企协同联动。
21. 完善口岸通关制度环境。围绕口岸提效降费,按照问题导向、需求导向和目标导向,探索从完善国际贸易“单一窗口”、扩大公开透明、优化服务流程、规范中介代理等方面逐步建立北京口岸制度体系,营造稳定公平透明、可预期的跨境贸易营商环境。
The Announcement of Concrete Measures to Further Improve the Business Environment to Better Facilitate Trading across the Beijing-Tianjin
No.3 Joint Announcement, 2018
To implement the requirements in the Work Plan of the State Council for Optimizing Port Business Environment to Enhance Cross-border Trade Facilitation (Guo Fa [2018] No. 37) and further improve the facilitation level of Beijing-Tianjin Cross-Border Trade, we have, on the basis of the actuation situation, formulated the specific measures which are hereby announced as follows:
I. Optimizing Customs Clearance Modes1. Promoting the application of the advance declaration mode. Import enterprises are encouraged to adopt advance declaration to handle document examination and freight transportation operations and goods not under controlled inspection may be released upon arrival at the port.
2. Implementing the “Release Before Declaration Modification” mode. In case of any abnormality revealed during customs inspection and involving no document, duty or inspection and quarantine risk but only the customs declaration that should not be released until after customs declaration modification, the declaration data may be modified after customs release.
3. Implementing the “Release Before Tax Payment” mode. We will further promote “banking, customs and financing” credit enhancement guarantee and “horizontal combination” credit enhancement guarantee and the guarantee for financial companies, actively carry out the guarantee and insurance of customs duties, improve customs clearance efficiency, and lower corporate operation cost. We will implement differentiated guarantee modes based on the credit ratings of enterprises and explore the implementation of guarantee-free release of senior AEO enterprises, and reduce financing costs of enterprises.
4. We will expand the applicability of the new generation customs taxes and fees electronic payment system to include the tax deposit and DDF, thus further improving the convenience of paying customs taxes and fees.
II. Optimizing Inspection and Test Modes5. Implementing “Inspection-Test-In-One” operation on site of goods control. We will comprehensively integrate the inspection resources including inspection yards, facilities and equipment, strengthen overall coordination of inspection instructions, and strictly implement one-stop inspection to realize unified on-site enforcement, optimized clearance process and improved clearance efficiency.
6. Promoting the inspection and supervision mode of “release before test”. The imported goods meeting the conditions of the General Administration of Customs can be released from the customs control site after completing site inspection and quarantine and satisfying relevant requirements. Lab test will be conducted after the release and comprehensive assessment. Certificate issuance will be handled to shorten the stacking time at port yards and reduce costs for storage and handling.
7. Optimizing the inspection and quarantine process for fresh product import. We will set up express clearance channels for goods such as meat, fresh aquatic products, fruits and edible aquatic animals, etc., speed up port inspection and support the expansion of daily consumer goods imports.
8. Imported food and cosmetic samples for filing registration, R&D testing and trade negotiations are exempt from label inspection and filing, from providing sanitary evaluation data and certificate of origin and from sampling inspection.
9. We will optimize the pre-declaration process for the export of animals, plants and their products, food, cosmetics and biological products, strengthen the organic connection and integration of export inspection and quarantine operations and customs clearance operations through the measures of enterprise classification management and product risk analysis, and develop electronic original accounts so that the enterprise may close the relevant inspection and quarantine procedures before the export declaration.
10. We will optimize the express mail and e-commerce supervision mode, and uniformly use the automatic inspection line of the workplace to implement “one-screen operation”.
III. Facilitating Document Handling and Promoting Paperless Operations11. We will implement paperless import license claim and clearance operation. Except for special circumstances such as security protection and confidentiality, online submission and examination and approval of application data, networked check of license and paperless clearance operations may be realized for goods under the administration of the automatic import license or the import license (except ozone layer depleting substances). The enterprise is no longer required to submit written data and claim paper license.
IV. Vigorously Carrying Forward the Application of the International Trade Single Window12. The enterprise may declare export rebates on the international trade single window platform, thus realizing automatic conversion between the information of the declaration form and that of the tax rebate declaration without the need for repeated entry.
13. We will speed up upgrading of electronic port and International Trade Single Window, highlight local features, and enrich and improve functions to realize “One-stop Closing with One Submission at One Platform”. We will expand the Single Window functions to the relevant zones like Special Customs Supervision Zones and Cross-Border E-Commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone.
V. Removing, Regulating and Reducing Port Charges14. Implementing the system of Port Charges Catalogue. We will establish the work mechanism for removing port charges with dual leading of the local finance bureau and commerce bureau (port office) and participation of entities involving price, market regulation, transportation and financial ombudsman office of MOF. We will publicize the charges catalogue following the national unified catalogue template on the International Trade Single Window platform, the website of the port administration department, website of enterprises and site of the port operations and services and no items out of the catalogue will be charged.?15.?Port business and service charges shall be removed or regulated: the government-set prices shall strictly follow the regulations and standards; and the market-adjusted prices shall be promoted among charging enterprises and no extra fees shall be charged in violation of the relevant provisions. Efforts shall be made to encourage competition, break monopoly, and promote the reduction of business and service charges, such as customs declaration, freight and shipping agency, logistics, warehousing, and port services. Focus shall be put on supervision and inspection, as well as punishment on various types of charges in violation of laws and regulations. The compliance costs for import and export will be greatly reduced, so that the comprehensive charging level of the port is obviously competitive nationwide and good services are provided for the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.
VI. Improving Port Service Mechanism16. Promoting the “Customs Clearance Appointment” mode. Supported by the “Internet Plus Customs” integrated online service platform, the import and export consignees or consignors or their agents (excluding dishonest enterprises) can file an application with the customs office for customs clearance appointment if the customs clearance of the three goods categories stipulated in the Announcement [2018] No. 109 of the General Administration of Customs formalities beyond the normal office hours of the customs office is required. Customs Clearance Appointment at a greater range will be explored.
17. Through the establishment and classification of precedent databases, the promotion and classification of pre-ruling service, the strengthening of tax policy research, and the development of systems (like product classification information service system), we will support and help enterprises to determine tax-related elements in advance, helping enterprises to fully benefit from the national tax reduction policy.
18. Improving enterprise credit management level. Following the principle of “compliance accompanied by convenience”, we will implement echelon classification management of credit ratings and provide all-round convenient services for enterprises with high credit rating. We will actively foster and expand the number of authorized enterprises, optimize the integral credit rating structure of enterprises, implement AEO senior authorization and support the “going global” efforts of enterprises by leveraging the outcomes of AEO international mutual recognition cooperation.
19. Providing personalized services for key enterprises. The customs will establish the enterprise daily tracing and service mechanism by multiple online and offline means including the “enterprise coordinator system” and new media of WeChat public account so as to solve the difficulties and problems encountered by the enterprises in the process of export and import.
20. Completing policy publicity and interpretation well. By multiple means including holding “service and consultation conference on export and import policies”, conference on price policy reminding and warning, promotion of the International Trade Single Window and publicity and training of relevant new policies and measures, we will strengthen policy publicity and interpretation, guide port operating entities and export and import service enterprises to participate in the efficiency improvement and fee reduction of the port, thus realizing coordination and interaction between governments and enterprises.
21. Improving port customs clearance system environment. Revolving around improving efficiency and reducing cost of ports and following three orientations (that is problem orientation, demand orientation and goal orientation), we will gradually establish Beijing port system by exploring the aspects from the improvement of International Trade Single Window and the expansion of openness and transparency to the optimization of service process and the regulation of intermediary and agent services and foster a stable, fair, transparent and predictable cross-border trade and business environment.
This Announcement will come into force as of the date of promulgation.
Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau (Port Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality)
Tianjin Municipal Commerce Bureau (Port Office of the People’s Government of Tianjin Municipality)
Beijing Customs District People’s Republic of China
Tianjin Customs District People’s Republic of China
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance
Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Finance
Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform
Tianjin Municipal Commission of Development and Reform
Beijing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation
Tianjin Municipal Administration for Market Regulation
Administrative Committee of Beijing Tianzhu Free Trade Zone
December 29, 2018

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本文关键词: 进一步优化, 营商环境, 提升, 跨境贸易, 便利化, 措施, 京津, 联合公告, 第3号, 全文, 英文版