7. 由京津商务主管部门签发的自动进口许可证、出口许可证,自收到内容正确、形式完备的相关材料后,1个工作日内完成审批。
Announcement of Concrete Measures to Further Improve the Business Environment to Better Facilitate Trading across the Beijing-Tianjin
For the purpose of implementing and fulfilling decisions and deployments made by the Party Center Committee and State Council to optimize the environment for doing business, seventeen concrete measures have been enacted to speed up the facilitation of cross border trade between Tianjin and Beijing with the following announcements:
I To apply electronic circulation for handling sea container information at Port of Tianjin
1. Improve the On-line Business Hall system to realize 24 hours of online service related to container gate-in reservations, application for container pick up, charges-payments, comprehensive searching, etc.
2. Promote the application of the One-Stop Pass Platform to fully implement paperless service of Container Packing List, Equipment Exchanging List as well as Dock Receipt (D/R) at Port of Tianjin.
3. Adjust spot lay-out of Customs operations to gradually convert scattered implementation to integrated settlement.
4. Eliminate verifying procedure of written Bill of Lading (B/L) and Delivery Order (D/O) by applying electronic circulation of information of Sea B/L, List of Package (Cargo List), implementing electronic clearance of inspection and quarantine.
II To optimize Customs clearance, Inspection and Verification
5. Promote in-advance customs clearance in sea transportation, permitting shipping agency to transmit container manifest to authority 2 days prior to the arrival of container ship and achieve simultaneity between documentation operation and shipment transportation.
6. Permit enterprises to order personal to examine inspection procedures during non-work hours and on public holidays.
III Facilitate documentation
7. Automatic Import License, Exporting License under administration of Beijing Municipal Commission of Commerce, completing approval procedures within a day after delivering correct formalizing materials by enterprises.
8. Simplify exemption procedures at the China Compulsory Certification (CCC) by applying electronic operations during the whole process, including application, acceptance, examination as well as post-supervision for eligible enterprises.
9. Streamline application procedures for Exporting Certificate of Origin (ECO), further squeezing examination time of issuing a ECO to within 2 hours. Step by step promote electronic seal of inspection and quarantine and self-service printing to realize comprehensive on-line service.
10. Provide quick customs processing-service for temporary exporting/importing shipments needing an extension under special circumstances in the means of dealing with the process of ATA holders, as well as consignor or consignee.
IV Promotion of paperless service
11. Further standardize operating procedures and reduce preparation time through use of self-archiving, electronic uploading, certificate network verification, etc. to achieve submission of paperless documentation.
V Promote Single Window service
12. Realize the function of applying Mechanical and Electric Merchandise Import License at the single window for international trade.
13. Realize on-line operation of the System of Assessment on Time-Efficiency of Port Clearance at the single window for international trade at Port of Tianjin. Collect time-data relating to key procedures of shipment clearance at sea port to assess port clearance efficiency at Port of Tianjin.
VI Post List of Charges to further improve and regulate port charges
14. Local price authority combining with relevant authorities to intensify law enforcement to remove unreasonable port charges following complaints by enterprises. Penalize illegal charges to safeguard benefits and legal rights of enterprises and lower payment burden.
15. Post the List of Port Charges at Port Operating Sits, Port Charging Halls, as well as the single window for international trade, including charges for classification, items, standards, etc. in Tianjin and Beijing respectively and with a clear identification of no charges to be collected outside the scope of list.
VII Establish port service search system as well as port clearance feedback system
16. Accomplish the integration of Tianjin Logistics Information Net and Tianjin Port E-government Net, achieving one-stop searches of logistics information at Port of Tianjin.
17. Give full play to service hot lines such as 12360 for Customs, 12365 for Inspection and Quarantine, 65661890 for Tianjin Inspection and Quarantine, 25601000 for Tianjin Sea Transportation Service, as well as complaint and consultation windows. Set up a mechanism for resolving questions via expert phone service, plus establish means to deal with difficult problems related to port clearance, create Q&A and policy illustrations at the single window for international trade, and solicit port clearance questions by importing/exporting enterprises.
Enforcement since the date of announcement.

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